- To promote social ,
economical, educational ,
spiritual, mental, moral
status in backward sectors.
To run
Child Labor Free Program ,Environmental Protection
Camps & Development Centre,
Plantation Camps & Programs.
Land & Rural Development
Programs, Agriculture &
Horticulture Development
Leprosy Addiction, Drug
Addiction, Dwary Addiction,
Green Revolution Camps,
Pollution Control Camps &
Programs, Health & Family
Welfare Camps & Programs,
Animals Welfare Programs,
Human Right & Consumer
Welfare Camps & Programs,
Educational Programs,
Handicapped Welfare
Programs, Youth Welfare
Activities, Cultural
Programs & Activities
Programs, Computer Education
& Training Programs, Type &
Shorthand Training, Working
& Street Children Welfare
Programs, Child & Women
Welfare Programs, Old Age
Welfare Programs,
Naturopathy & Yoga Training
& Awareness Programs for
poor and needy society and
run its related Programs.
To run
Hand Embroidery & Craft
Training Programs,
Handicraft & Zari Zardozi
Training programs, Chikan &
Zari works Training
Programs, Chikan & Hastshilp
Training Programs, Doll
Making , Flower Making, Soft
Toys making Programs, silai/kadai/bunai
Training, Shilpkala/Sangeetkala/Dance
Training Centre, Fashion &
Designing Vocational
Training Programs are these
training among women to
enable them to become self
dependent, courageous,
confident thus making social
and economic development.
provide facility & help as
much as possible for needy,
handicapped, widowed,
fractured & old women, men &
street children for their
social & economic
organized training cum
employment programmes and
schemes for land less or
jobless people and
especially for widows and
divorced, scheduled
castes/tribes and backward
castes who are very poor or
even below poverty lines.
organized family welfare
activities & Camps for Aids,
Cancer, T.B., Hepatitis ,
Leprosy, and handicapped
welfare & health awareness
provide knowledge about
rural development and
advertise related to useful
knowledge. and also
communicate towards self
dependent in the rural
encourage the spirit of self
reliance and self employment
among unemployed young men
of the society by
interpretation useful
guidance and service to that
effect furnishing them with
proper and up to date
information of the
Government Schemes and plans
of aid to such deserving .
establish centers for
social, spiritual &
progress/development of
indians villages & cities
and to contribute form self
help groups to organize
awareness camps for the
benefits of consumers